Responsible for the contents of these pages
Swiss Sana AG
Kirchstr. 7, LI-9490 Vaduz
Reg.-No.: HRB FL-0002.468.395-4
VAT: 58629
Tel.: +423 235 84 77
Director: Katharina Novizky-Hosp
No goods can be collected or purchased on site from the addresses given.
If you have any questions about ordering, shipping and using PHALLOSAN forte, please use our chat, our hotline on +423 235 84 77 (Liechtenstein, Man-fre 9:30-12:00 og 13:30-16:00 CET) or PHALLOSAN: Frequently asked questions.
Please also see our extensive collection of video instructions, which answer many frequently asked questions about our products and their use.
Picture credits:
Icons Payment methods - by Matt
under CC BY license.